ok, so it wasn't really that eventful but it was a really nice one. on friday night, my big sister and i went to get our dresses hemmed and i am certain that when they are finished they will be terrific. the drive there was a tad scary but we made it there and back safely. the dresses are nice- they are long and flowy(not a word) and blue.if you look at the center photo in the above collage, it is the darkest one out of the bunch. the lady that is working on this is a really nice lady. she was the director at a hospital once upon a time and now she just spends her time doing fun stuff...like making wedding dresses.
on saturday i had to work which was totally ok because i didn't have any fancy plans for valentine's day. my good friend zack and myself both had the closing shift which was fun. we chatted with our friend chris via aim and thought it very appropriate to send him a little v-day card so we did. and it was homemade and if you look at the above photo you will know exactly what it looked like:) afterwards we played go fish and since i won the first four gams i thought it would be nice to give zack a chance to win too and he did:) today

was a really nice day. my friends robyn and janell came
out for a visit and it was so wonderful. robyn is one of my
very best friends and i love her so very much and janell is her sister who is my friend as well and whom i love dearly as well. anywho, janell was telling robyn and i about a film she had seen some time ago and i suggested we go out to rent it...so we did. we watched it and basically, you should all go out a rent it or buy it because it is an AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL film. i will be purchasing it tomorrow. what makes it really fun is that the little girl in the film is romanian. at first, robyn and i thought she was hispanic due to janell telling us so. there was a scene in the film where the foreign language came in and to my surprise i understood every word she spoke because it was in my heart language! so basically, my weekend was so swell and i hope you all enjoyed yours just the same if not better:) the week has begun... allow it to be lovely.