war wounds and an apple:)
by and so it is...
this past week, i have been moving lots of books around. when i say lots, i mean LOTS. and they are heavy. well, last night when i got out of the shower i noticed these bruises on my arms and legs and jeez louise, they just seemed like they were all over. i have heard about first year war wounds...but i thought they were more of a mental and emotional thing...ahahaha:) maybe the physical ones are better...oh gosh, i am just laughing.
today i hung my shower curtain and it looks so nice. it has lovely colors and trees and squirrels and it turns out there are owls on it too! how perfect is that?! i hung the towels. put down the fun brown floor rug. found out i am getting a really nice tv stand. and i will have a tv for it because someone is giving me one of those too:) there is a really nice community here where people really believe in helping. they are genuine and are concerned that i feel so at home and that is so nice and i am ever grateful for it.
when i was walking back to class today after hanging my curtain, i was met by a sweet student and her very nice mom. i met her mom last week and her dad works at Montverde and seriously, they are just nice people. anywho, Hillary, the student, introduced herself and opened her bag and gave me an apple! really! i just got my first apple as a teacher from a sweet student! i can't believe it. i was going to keep it BUT i ate it because they only last so long you know:)
today, i finished my syllabi, all of them:)
it rains like crazy here. that will take some getting used to:)
tomorrow is my first day!

