

i received the anthropologie catalog for september yesterday and it is absolutely stunning. i found myself not even noticing the clothing a few times because i was so taken by the photographs. i normally don't look at a catalog for the photos...i am a shopper:) i like the things:) but this one really is worth a gander so if you don't get it in the mail, go to your local anthro and pick up a copy. i think you will enjoy it as much as i did, or perhaps a little more.
one more very important item to discuss. today i took a VERY big step towards bettering myself. or at least i'd like to think so:) i don't like bananas at all. i think it is actually safe to say that i actually find nothing good about them...i detest the darn things. well, i was talking to zack last night about wanting to adjust a few things in my diet. not because i am unhealthy but because i want to be certain that i take care of the health i have. today, i was sitting around trying to decide what to eat and out of the corner of my eye i saw it...a banana. i thought i was going crazy even thinking to try it but i walked over, cut it open, and ate four slices. i could not eat the entire thing because normally when you don't like something you don't eat it at i have to take baby steps:) i am going to try to eat a little every day and who knows, maybe one day i will be able to eat an entire banana in one sitting. have a delightful day. eat something good:)