for a day like today...


sometimes i just love to look at photos of fun things. they make me smile and today these photos are fitting, i promise:)
who wouldn't want to travel by way of...boatfort?
sit and take a listen....ehehehe:)
i have been listening to vinyl like crazy lately.
is she the cutest or what?
it's summer time....i have never made popsicles before but why not?
dance party, and yes, i am the one with the crazy flower hat:)
you know me and buttons... guaranteed smile!
i began a project of yarn last night...but it does not have eyes:)
tree sized crayons?... yes please!
the people that live in there must be happy all the time, and if they are not, they probably get over it quickly:)
cat hat:)
is there a better way to have tea? perhaps... but maybe not:)
i think this might be a coming project.
who doesn't want one?! one being a nice home library. but high ceiling would be a must:)
he/she is the cutest. this should even make YOU smile:)
this made me smile the most. old people are so wonderful and this photo made me smile and want to cry at the same time.
happy and restful sunday.
ps- aura lives in tennessee now, it is official.