for shame:(


two things. i seem to still be suffering from jet lag which is such a crummy thing or it is something else. i don't know. but i am up nonetheless which is ok i suppose considering i am going to wake up soon anyway. this post is going to be very specific.
secondly, i just checked my email a few minutes ago and my blog lets me know when i get comments now so that i can approve them or disapprove them. this wasn't always the case but it is now. let me tell you why. quite some time ago, someone left a very inappropriate comment on one of my posts. one that i love and it really upset me. i think something similar happened to a sweet girl i know, and jeez louise it is just so not ok. it is a blog, people. i know this might be silly but this is a place where my family and friends come to read about the happenings of my life, so why leave such ickyness?
well, it worked because it was a one time thing....until this morning:/ sometime in the night, i got another inappropriate comment and i am going to assume it is from the same individual because i remember the last time pretty well and well, you know a person's writing, especially in this case. i am not a confrontational person normally. not in person, not via the interweb. if you know me, you know that for the most part, with just a couple exceptions, i will take hurtful things and meanness and not address it. i will allow people to hurt me, stab me in the heart, and take it. there is good and bad in that. most of the time it is just not worth it.
the first time, i let it go, this time, i am going to address it. clearly, you read this person, so this is for you:
i am not going to judge you because that isn't my place, but your actions say things about you, even in something as silly as comments. i think it is really sad that you think it is ok to say/write such horrible things on such a public thing. if you write them, maybe you say them, and maybe it is what is in your heart. no eyes but mine saw it but others could have. my family, my mom:( jeez. i think it is so sad that you are even capable of thinking such things. if you don't know me, you should be able to see by my blog, that i clearly mean no harm. i am pretty simple and nice and even fun, not to toot my own horn. if you know me, which i am going to hope you don't, shame on you. i have not said shame on you to any person in my life unless i really meant it so it has been used rarely and it is strange to use it in this way, but shame. because if i know you, i know myself, and i know i have not treated you poorly because i don't make a habit out of having a poor attitude towards anyone, even in tougher situations and if it happens, my apologies are made due to my conviction.
if you have no conviction about what you wrote, i am sorry for you. i am sorry that you could potentially be ok with tearing another person down by the things you write and potentially say. we are all created so beautifully. so uniquely. by a creator who is a true artist and for one person to be able to tear another person down without any remorse is a horrible thing. it is. life, people, is/are so valuable and i just feel like we shouldn't be wasting our time doing horrible things...especially on a blog...seriously.
i don't feel hateful towards you, just sad for you. you should not do it again please. just say no to yourself. i love when people leave me comments, so if you have a nice one, leave it, if you don't, keep it. don't be a raw herring(probably my most unfavorite thing).

ps...on a lighter note, it isn't ruining my day. i am giving my first quizzes tomorrow and today we will prep. fun times ahead:)