my funny for the day:)
by and so it is...
last night i was sitting outside and the mosquitos came after me so i have a few itchy spots here and there. well, today during 4th period, i reached down to itch my leg and something felt a bit off. my dress felt really thick and tight or something. i pulled it up a bit since it is floor length(a student asked me if i purchased it in california...he said it looks very california... idk:) and to my surprise, it wasn't my dress at all! i forgot to take my jammy pants off this morning and i was in such a frenzy(sleep didn't happen for me last night) that it took until 4th period for me to even notice... and it was due to an itch:) i accidently slipped a little smile/laugh while they were quizzing but i didn't share my story with them obviously:)
hope your day is happy:)