

sometimes we have times in our lives where things are just a blur. i think we decide what kind of blur it will be. there are good blurs and harmful blurs...i think. i think i might know this because i have experienced each kind up to this point in life. my mom told me i was too young for them, both kinds anyway, i think she means the harmful one, but there isn't an age on these things...that is what i told her in return. she is a good lady, my mom:)
harmful blurs consume us. we get lost and confused in them. we need answers that we cannot have because they are not for us to have. the good blurs, we just know we have to ride them. and where ever they lead to, we just go joyfully. and if they don't, we are still joyful about it. because we know that is our only option....well, there is always the self pity way but in the good blur, that isn't an option.
today is a day of many blurs and while everything in me is screaming to be a daisy downer, my heart is saying NO. and that brings so much joy to me. blurry, yes. but hopeless, no. today may bring changes, and it may not. but it is ok. i am glad i don't know it all. it leaves a little room for mystery:) but if you read this, i will ask that you think of me a bit today, and when you do, do it specifically to say a little prayer for me. don't think it as selfish, just in need of prayer:)
one thing i know is that my hope is built on nothing less than my sweet Jesus and that is a really good thing. something i can hold on tightly to...forever.
because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you...because you are my help, i sing in the shadow of your wings. ps63
i hope you see brightness in your day.
over and out.