so is it cats or what?!
by and so it is...
church was so nice. i was invited to lead worship at the church of a lovely lady from work and that was just great. i played with this younger fellow and well, you know when you meet someone who is clearly a natural at music? he was that. it was such a pleasure to play/sing with him and the others. i had a couple goodies to pick up on my way home so i did and afterwards, i went home to play with the little ones. and I WON! i wore them out and well, i wore myself out actually:) so we all took a little nap and they were so cute:)
i woke up and started on some work and my phone buzzed! it was Mindy and she and Hunter and Haylee were out riding bikes and wanted to come visit the kittens! that made me so happy and of course i said yes:) so they came by and played and laughed and Mindy and i got to chat and her friendship is so good for my heart:) (thanks:)
i went over to their home a little later and the plan was apple sauce AND Hunter and Haylee saved the last apple for me! the thing that made my heart so happy was the seconds after ringing the doorbell. i heard Haylee coming to the door with excitement in her voice about my arrival and i just stood waiting and smiling, literally from ear to ear. well, what happened shortly after was nothing short of amazing. Haylee and i sat down for a game of tic tac toe. and well, simply put, she beat me:) BUT we did have a couple cats is where the question of cats come in:) do you know what cats means in a game of tic tac toe? i have had a few crazy glares in the past from calling cats in a game but that is so normal for me and for Mindy because Haylee knew exactly what i was talking about:) do you???
after, we had a lovely dinner together and the highlight, the applesauce. it was amazing. we went for a walk when we finished and saw some lovely things:) first is the house next door. over 100 years old and a true beaut. it is just down the street from my home so i can't wait to pay it a visit again. Mindy said the owners love giving tours when they are i just need to catch them:)
there are docks all around because here, we are surrounded by lakes. the most beautiful ones. we walked out and there were dragon flies EVERYWHERE. it was such a vision as the sun was setting and they were just flying around, swarms of them. i don't know what you call tons of them:) when we got to the water, there was a something floating...and of course that something turned out to be an alligator! there may have been one on the other side, we were not sure but kinda we were pretty sure:) but the one that we were 100 percent certain of, we knew because he was actually moving around. he was a little guy so i wasn't too freaked out...'too' being the key word:) those guys are a bit scary.
the last thing was just one more special thing to close out the evening. these three beautiful antique chairs that are now around my little table that had no chairs:) it was the most lovely night.
a wonderful way to start off the week. the week that will lead to my trip home. home, see you soon:)